All copyright on the photographs and texts remains
the property of their authors..
© Copyright for the images
The Fonds documentaire (Documentary Collection) of VOX,
centre de l’image contemporaine, results from a
close collaboration with the artists participating in
the project and the Société de droits d’auteur
en arts visuels (SODART). The content
of VOX’s Fonds documentaire is protected under copyright
statutes. Reproduction, preservation, or transmission
in any form of an element, a part, or all of the visual
content of this database is strictly forbidden without
the express written authorization of the holders of copyright
concerned. By accessing the content of this database,
you agree to respect this copyright.
© Authorized use of the texts
Visitors may browse, consult, and download the texts on
condition that they are being used solely for non-commercial,
educational, and/or personal purposes. In downloading,
printing, or making other use of the texts in the Fonds
documentaire, you agree to limit the use of these files
to fair dealing. The copyright and property notices and
a mention of the source must appear on any text used.
This mention must also include the URL of the site: http://www.voxphoto.com/fondsdocumentaire.htm
© Links to the Fonds documentaire
VOX encourages other Web sites to define normal links
to the home page of the Documentary Collection. However,
it is forbidden to display the content of the site in
frames or through direct links. If you wish to create
such links to Web pages of the Documentary Collection,
you must obtain authorization beforehand by contacting
To obtain authorization, you must contact:
Claudine Roger, general coordinator
VOX, centre de limage contemporaine
1211, boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC, Canada H2X
Tel. : 514 390-0382
Fax : 514 390-1293
By accessing the Fonds documentaire you agree
to respect copyright.
© 2005 VOX, centre de limage contemporaine. All rights